Clean Jokes for Kids

Jokes submitted by kids.

Why was Cinderella so bad at basketball? 'Cause her coach was a pumpkin! -- from LA CA USA age 12

What did the grape say when the elephant stepped on it? Nothing, it just let out a little whine. -- from Tempe FL USA age 11

What do fish cheer? GO FISH!!! -- from Austin TX USA age 10

What did the rug say to the floor? Freeze, I've got you covered! -- from Austin TX USA age 48

What did the baby corn say to the mommy corn? Where's the pop corn? -- from Orlando FL usa age 9

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A stick. -- from Redmond WA USA age 6

What do you call an elephant in bed? A heavy sleeper -- from Austin TX usa age 10

How many psychitrists does it take to change a light bulb? One, but the light bulb has to want to change. -- from Austin TX USA age 48

How did the Vikings send secret messages? By Norse code! -- from Washington DC USA age 9

What was Camelot? A place where people parked their camels! -- from Washington DC USA age 9

Why did the chicken cross the road twice and roll in the dirt? 'Cause he was a dirty double-crosser -- from Elgin TX USA age 9

What did the bowling pin say to the bowling ball? "Please spare me!" -- from Austin/Round Rock TX USA age 10

A man and wife got into an argument about who should make the coffee in the morning. The wife said the husband should make it because he gets up first. The husband said the wife should make it because she is responsible for all the cooking. Finally, the wife said, "The bible says the man should make the coffee." The husband said, "Oh yea? Show me!" The wife opened the bible and at the top of the page it said, "HEBREWS" -- from Austin Tx USA age 51

A horse walked into a bar. The bartender said, "Why the long face?" -- from Austin Tx USA age 51

What did Cinerella say as she dropped off her memory stick of pictures? Someday my prints will come. -- from LA CA USA age 12

What did the gingerbread man put on his bed? A cookie sheet! -- from Round Rock Texas USA age 10

Were do cows go on vacation? the moovie's. -- from bloomfeild MO asd age 10

Why did the tomato blush? cause he saw the ranch dressing. -- from bloomfeild MO asd age 10

What do you get when you cross poison ivy and a black cat? A rash of bad luck. -- from LA CA USA age 12

Why didn't the skeleton go see a scary move? He didn't have the guts. -- from LA CA USA age 12

what is a seals favorite subject? art art art art! -- from louisville ky united states age 10

What is big and red and eats rocks? A big red rock-eater! -- from Austin TX USA age 4

Why was Cinderella kicked off the soccer team? She kept running away from the ball. -- from LA CA USA age 12

knock knock who's there? shelbey shelbey who? she'll be coming around the mountain when she comes yehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! -- from maimi florida u.s.a age 10

Q:How do you catch a squirrel? A: You climb up a tree and act like a nut! -- from L.A. california united states age 7

What's a wrestler's favorite drink? Fruit Punch! -- from norwitch con usa age 10

What is a wolf's favorite dessert? Chocolate Moose! -- from la ca usa age 9

Q:What do you get when you cross a gerble, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? A: Teenage Mutant Ninja Gerbles! -- from bob MI USA age 11

Why did the kid eat his homework? because it was a piece of cake -- from Lapalma C.A. North America age 0

knock knock who's there? cargo cargo who? cargo beep beep -- from eagan M,N USA age 9

What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled Milk -- from Rumson nj U.S.A age 8

Who invented the first airplane that didn't fly?????????????? The Wrong Brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- from Fairfield AL U.S.A. age 9

Where do mermaids go to see movies????????? The dive-in!!!!!!! -- from Fairfield AL U.S.A. age 9

What doesn't exist but has a name????????????????? Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- from Fairfield AL U.S.A. age 9

A highway patrolman pulls over a car in deep East Texas and asks the driver "Got any I.D.?" The driver responds "'bout what?" (with drawl) -- from Austin TX age 7

Why can't your nose be 12 inches long? Becuse then it would be a Foot! -- from Colombas OH U.S.A age 10

How do you put a pumpkin on VEGE-TALES????????????? You throw it up in the air and it comes down-SQUASH!!!!! -- from Fairfield AL U.S.A. age 9

Where do people in California go dancing??????????????? San Fran-disco -- from Fairfield AL U.S.A. age 9

What is at the end of everything????????? The letter G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- from Fairfield AL U.S.A. age 9

What has 3 heads,6 arms,& 3 bodies?????????????????? You & 2 friends -- from Fairfield AL U.S.A. age 9

Q: Why did the cow cross the street? A: To get to the MOOvies -- from osborne ks usa age 8

Q:What do you call a cow that gives no milk? A:A milk dud -- from cass mi us age 10

why did the baby cross the road? It was tied to the chicken's back -- from purto rico ho idho age 99

what do you call a man with 6 legs A;spiderman -- from johor bahru johor malaysia age 11

what is tarzan's favrote chrismas song A;JUNGLE BELLS -- from johor bahru johor malaysia age 11

WHY ARE GRAVEYARDS SO NOISY A;BECAUSE OF ALL THE COFFIN [COFFING] -- from johor bahru johor malaysia age 11

what is a trees fav drink? ROOT BEER!!! -- from nashvile tn usa age 7

What time is it when you need to go to the dentist? tooth-hurty (2:30) -- from Point Lookout MO USA age 13

why did the book join the police? to go undercover!!!!!!!! -- from bATON ROUGE LA usa age 12

what type of hair do oceans have? Wavey -- from Flint mi usa age 12